Who we are

Furvana is an initiative to host a new annual anthropomorphic arts convention and run community focused events in the greater Seattle area. Our co-chairs Metal Fox and Fritzy Wolf have assembled a diverse, skilled, and passionate team of volunteers to achieve this goal. With broad experience from a variety of other events, we are applying our learnings to build the best convention that we can.

In order for this to work we'll need you, our community, at our side.

Who we become is up to all of you. That means communication, involvement, outreach, and feedback; we need to know what you think and we need your skills.

This convention is yours as much as it is ours, and it's important that we build it together!

What we have accomplished so far

A lot! Furvana has developed a clear mission statement and a set of values and tenets that are helping to drive our team forwards with a unified vision. We have a strong core team prepared with knowledge on how to handle any challenges that would come their way, and ensuring that all our volunteers have fun volunteering!

Furvana began our first stages of planning and development in February 2016. Thanks to the teams efforts since then, we've already hosted several community events, developed a comprehensive business plan for our upcoming convention, and completed several key milestones to put us on the path toward achieving our goals.

What we need

Spread the word! Attend our community events and staff meetings! Volunteer!

There's a long road and a lot of work ahead of us and we would love to have you on board. It doesn't matter if you have convention experience or not. Overall we're looking for passionate volunteers who want to be a part of something big!

If you want to learn more we encourage you to reach out to us, either as a volunteer or simply a curious onlooker. We're friendly and always happy to talk! Check out the Volunteer Sign-Up Form and our staff support team will reply and get you started.

When is Furvana?

Furvana has already started running community focused events in the Seattle area, but the Furvana convention is still some ways away. We don't have a date yet, but our team is continuously striving toward that goal.

Thank you for checking us out! If you want to learn more, follow the links to any of our social media accounts below. We're really looking forward to this, and we hope you are too.

— Fritzy Wolf, Metal Fox, and the rest of the Furvana team

2017 2018 2019